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Welcome to MyABPT Forum

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2012 2:23 pm
by Aniket
Treatment of the child with an obstetric brachial plexus injury can be extremely complex as each case requires individual assessment within a variety of domains. Conservative treatment varies not only by age but also by type and severity of injury. Surgical interventions have become primary considerations in the care of these children. Therapists must be knowledgeable as to the timing and efficacy of surgical interventions and must be comfortable guiding parents and primary physicians in the right directions. It has been documented that although therapists are exposed to this injury within the educational curriculum, individual therapists may not have the opportunity to remain current of advances in the field.

The Association of Brachial Plexus Therapists would like to provide a means for therapists to gain expertise in this area by interacting with other therapists both through on-line courses and on-line chats as well as through face-to face discussion and video exchanges. We would like to create an on-line registrar of therapists with expertise in this area in order that physicians, some of whom who treat children from all parts of the country and throughout the world, can refer their children to therapists with a known expertise.