How to use web browsers effectively for
Supported Internet Browsers
Netscape version 6.1 and above
Opera current production version
Safari current production version
Firefox current version
Mozilla current production version
Explorer Mac version discontinued by Microsoft June'03 version 5.5 and above
Lynx current production version
Suggested Browser Configurations
Set a bookmark for
We recommend that your browser be configured to open figures in a graphics viewer helper application. Please see Help with High-Resolution Image Viewing.
To view the PDF version of articles, you should have the Adobe Acrobat Reader on your hard disk and your browser should be configured to open PDF files in Acrobat. See the detailed instructions in Help with Printing.
Adjusting Font Size
To increase the font size your browser uses to display text, find the "Preferences" configuration area and increase the default font size. A common size is 12 point, but many people find that 14 is easier to read on screen.
The larger font size may cause undesired word wrapping. If text is affected adversely by increased font size, you may need to reset the default size to 12-point.
Finding a Word or Phrase in Text
The Find function in your browser can be used to find words or phrases within a single page. When viewing the full text of an article, move to the top of the article. Select Find and enter a string of characters to find.
Viewing Two Sections of an Article at Once (opening a second window)
To view the cited references in one window while reading the text of the article in another window: Point to a reference number in the text that is linked to the cited references. Hold down your mouse button on your Mac until a new menu appears. If you use Windows, use the right button on your mouse to display the menu. Select New Window with this Link, and a second window will open containing the cited references.
To view two sections of text at once: Scroll to the top of the article. In the list of links to sections of the article, point your mouse to one of the sections you wish to view. Hold down your mouse button on your Mac until a new menu appears. If you use Windows, use the right button on your mouse to display the menu. Select New Window with this Link. When the new window appears, scroll in each window to the sections you wish to view.
To view two sections of text at once: Scroll to the top of the article. In the list of links to sections of the article, point your mouse to one of the sections you wish to view. Hold down your mouse button on your Mac until a new menu appears. If you use Windows, use the right button on your mouse to display the menu. Select New Window with this Link. When the new window appears, scroll in each window to the sections you wish to view.